
Winston salem journal obituaries august 31 2012
Winston salem journal obituaries august 31 2012

Annual income was categorized as < $20 000 or ≥ $20 000, and education was categorized as “high school or less,” or “some college or more.” Smoking was defined as ever (eg, current or former) vs never smoker. Age, sex, race/ethnicity, income, and education were self‐reported. Participant characteristics were collected during the initial MESA visit.

#Winston salem journal obituaries august 31 2012 free

We tested this hypothesis in individuals free of apparent cardiovascular disease and major ventricular conduction delays in the population‐based Multi‐Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). We hypothesized that time to ID will be predictive of future HF events, as it is more likely to detect delayed LV activation due to underlying abnormalities of LV function. However, the risk afforded by a more accurate measure of delayed LV activation, such as time to ID, has not been examined. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 In this framework, it is clear that delayed global LV activation increases one's risk for developing HF.

winston salem journal obituaries august 31 2012

Several epidemiological studies have shown that the risk of incident heart failure (HF) increases with QRS prolongation, including the presence of left bundle branch block. Time to ID has been proposed to represent a more accurate measure of delayed left ventricular (LV) activation due to underlying structural abnormalities than QRS duration, which measures global ventricular activation.

winston salem journal obituaries august 31 2012

This measure represents the time for excitation to spread from the endocardial to the epicardial surface of the left ventricle. 1 The time from beginning of the QRS complex to peak R wave is described as the time to ID. Intrinsicoid deflection (ID) corresponds to the peak of the R wave.

Winston salem journal obituaries august 31 2012